Flow of the moment

moon sliverThe kiss of Silence. twisting tongues and embrace body, soul and reaching within to sense the reality with each breath. I sense another writing through me and I am fine with this. perhaps a past presence of myself and a visiting energy dwelling within for a moment’s exhale. the connection is smoothing and centered. my eyes can close and adventure into the universe. cold toes and feeling hands on my arms, I am one with another and breathing their thoughts. Knowing not exactly who, yet my inner child is giggling. Breathing in magic as the words appear beyond me. Dancing fingertips, music plays in the distant. Violin strings humming, french horn blowing like the breeze. I am floating. Oh yes as a sigh. Seeing green cottonwoods singing and the stream water moving, rocking mountains embrace down to the shore. Now the ocean breeze, toes in sands and gripping, the water continues beyond the horizon in calm becoming. Alone by the shores, traveling like a bird, skimming the tops of the waves I am gliding. The strings continue strumming and seeing the entire coast line with ease as I fly a bit higher towards the clouds in the distance. Opening and lifting, then plummeting downward, spinning head at the speed. Landing on a limb of an old oak in a field, again…only endless horizons do I see. A rabbit freeze as he notices my movement. I have no need to eat him, so I turn away to free him. Haystacks dot the fields, golden and stacked high, like a VanGogh painting with rich texture and colors blazing. I soar high again… seeing a castle for visiting, surrounded by lots of trees and hills so beautiful of greens. Lake Como is sparking in the sunlight of dusk, dancing pinks, creams and violet on surface. Quiet town and village, all in their homes with family. I continue onward. I do wonder who is holding me as I become this eagle or hawk and melting into flight.
Now landing on a large rock overlooking a river, full moon begins to peek over the mountain nearby. I know this place from dreams long again. sweet memories of friendship, conversations with wisdom. my passions for writing came soon with this magic. inspirations and adventures within the mind’s eye and imagination lives with this time. Toes getting colder, where are my socks? I don’t want to stop this flow of words is amazing. I want to know more of the adventures with words, connecting with other expressionists who chose me to commune with this moment of sharing. Perhaps with my childhood, and my inner child escaping, I met this wonders along with way without knowing. Sleeping to reach out to the stars, breathing in the awe and light to full me up with more creating. I stretch my back releasing the tension that was building. Lyrically they may come this. Labels upon labels…to organize the writing. Poetry comes for a visit, a dance and a song. Embodying the person, identity and energy while breathing in the sweetness. So close I am with the eagle’s heart beating, with flight and adventure, I realize my power. Oneness is beauty, grace and alchemy…
Hello Merlin. I thank you for another lesson in living. Taking the higher point of view and the endless possibilities with you. You embraced and showed me just how easy it is… to become one with the living Mother Earth presence.